Video Game Characters - Transportation Vendors



This is an audition that actually got me the job. I ended up booking all 4 of these voices. The last two voices had no script, so I ad-libbed.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
your best. Start believing in ghost stories. Miss Turner, if I were so inclined to acquiesce to your request, I be expecting payment up front and for you to be following the orders. Should this got sick to feed his Children? Bring your weapons. Be parted from your head. It won't do you much good. There be monsters out there far bigger and far hungry at and every on land. And should they bring you into the drink, you find it hard to swim back to the ship in wholesale. Great. Great. I'm so pleased to see you. How are you? Okay. Wonderful. Small talk has been concluded. Let's get to business. Do you seek teleportation and has self propulsion or trans dimensional travel? Please note that any spell which requires my presence to the destination excludes my participation in combat negotiations and or inter species hybridization. Round trips cost double. Please record your name Here, here and here. Salutation. Friend. It's wonderful to see you on such a beautiful day. I hear you're in the market for a horse. Some I'd love to make a deal with you. What will it take to get you onto this horse? It's a beautiful Clyde. Stale from the isle off. Bud, I think you're really level. Come on. Let me take you to the stables and we'll have a good look at him. Well, how are you? I hear you're looking for an airship. Perhaps something to take you through the sky? Well, I have. Ah, Zeppelin Jeff lies perfectly. There's no turbulence whatsoever. Do you have a place in mind? In fact, that you really don't even have to pay me. All I need is some food and had perhaps maybe a buried treasure somewhere. If you catch my drift. Anyhoo, what do you say? Would you like to come?