Z!H - UK Serious , Luxury , Sophisticated

Profile photo for Zach Hoffman
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


Benedict Cumberbatch style read. Brit , London , UK , British, upscale , sophisticated , posh , sleek , smooth , calming , commanding , cool , conversational , intrigue , sexy , attractive , guy next door , bond , 007 .

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
have a look around. Light is the essence of life. It allows us to see each other on the world around us. But it also touches everything we can't see. Our notions are feelings very essence. Humanising is our purpose. Ambiance are expression. Quality is our legacy on passion, our culture. Every design starts and ends with light. We always explore her light acts. Ben's reflects and effects. And from these insights, design takes shape, way designed night in a way that appeals to the soul. A cZ well as to the eye form must follow a function. Every detail in the design must have a purpose in simplicity. Beauty lies onto quality. Design creates quality of life. Louis Paulson exists in the energy between dualities, light and dark form and function in modern and classic craftsmanship and innovation. Ahs A result of this effort, we've become one of the key global suppliers of architectural and decorative lighting across the professional and retail lighting markets. In jewels and outdoors, we design to shape light