VO Demo

Profile photo for Jamie Hill
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


Commercial Demo for promos, radio, tv, narration etc

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introducing the new balance 8 90 with red light. The neutral cushioning bar is hereby raised, and it's about to change everything. New bounds. Let's make excellent happen. Do you want to tell Santa what you want for Christmas? Because you can tell me instead. Sugar. You know, there are a lot of things women would rather have in their minds than their panty liner fundraiser at Emma's house. Oh my God, he called jeggings that jeggings. What exactly are those? Carefree, active, fresh, wonderfully forgettable? It's my home phone in my wireless phone. Just look at him staring at each other. I think the wireless phone is a little jealous. Use it as much. Maxwell House. There is a lot of good in every cup breakfast, just like Mom used to make Onley. We make your bed afterwards at Embassy Suites. They're always more reasons to stay. No one ever says sodium, sterile actively at nature's pride. We don't think you should put anything in your mouth you can't pronounce, so taste the difference. Natural makes 100% natural, 100% delicious