Future Fortified Commercial Campaign / AmWay

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What does it take to be an elite athlete? It all starts with good nutrition in the first 1,000 days from a woman's pregnancy to a child's second birthday. This holiday season, Amway is teaming up with the Future Fortified campaign to help children live, grow and learn through good nutrition. Visit (Website hidden) to learn more.

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Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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What does it take to be an elite athletes? Let us drive natural talent, a supportive community. It takes all of that. But the road to dunks, goals and finish lines begins long before they can tie their own shoes. In fact, the child's heightened while being is determined in the 1st 1000 days from a woman's pregnancy to a child's second birthday. That's why we've partnered with Future fortified to help Children around the world get the right start with good nutrition, and it's why we're investing in school. Feeding programs across China, helping Children grow tall this season joined family and future fortified and giving the gift that keeps kids growing.