Commercial Demo / New

Profile photo for Jamie Hill
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


Commercial Demo, mixed and match from Conversational and Friendly to Bold, Sexy and Believable.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Garnier. Light fairness moisturizer enriched with pure lemon essence and sunscreen. Flawless glow is just seven days away. Hey, you love your new vehicle Right now you're looking forward to nothing but fun with your new ride. But bad things can happen to spoil that fun. Ask your dealer to install outreach GPS on your car today. Work hard, play harder. Everything you need Nothing. Don't h plus sport. When a child cherishes a dream, he knows that every step he takes every little thing he does carries him closer to his goal. E no be global leader and self directed learning is now I level ladies, If you've ever dated Mr Wrong, you know it could be a big waste of time and money. People don't think about their thermostat off. And at Honeywell, we like to keep it that way by concept, by blades, fitness, health and entertainment integrated