Valleri Jagneaux VO Demo Reel

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Not Yet Rated


This contains four demo scripts: a holiday gift ad, a blender commercial, a medical educational script, and a lung information script.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Filipino (Tagalog) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, this holiday season. Remember that they love this time of year because you love it too and you love it because you get to make them happy this year, make them happy and more useful. These aren't your run of the mill craft kits with googly eyes and sparkles. These kids make learning to sew a button, fixing a toilet flusher and making macaroni salad into activities. They'll actually want to do. Life skills are cooler than the newest video game. Make learning fun. Make kids useful. Give them the gift that gives back, give them the skills for life Kit. What do your mornings look like? What do they sound like? The mashup is a voice activated blender that lists off smoothie ingredients so you can kick, start your day with a nutritious burst of flavor when you're ready, just ask it to mash up now. What do your mornings taste like at the Isaiah Hospital Network? We take our patients health and how they're treated with the utmost importance. The agencies are network of teams and hospitals as a light of hope for thousands of marylanders in their darkest hour. That's why it's crucial that our entire team is up to speed on the best and most current patient care standards. It's your professional commitment to take care of your patients and to make sure they're never harmed. In this training video will walk you through I. H. S. Updated patient care policy. These new standards will ask you to reorient your thinking and change some routines you have developed to ensure every patient receives the best treatment possible. The adoption of a redesigned patient care processes involves not just occupational therapist, but everyone on team, from administration to the patient's families. As an example, suppose the patient was improperly and prematurely released from the hospital and suffers a serious fall at home. We need to assess all processes that led up to that decision, including where was the system faulty? Why did it experience a breakdown and how can we fix this? The human voice is generated when the lungs, the vocal folds within the larynx or voice box and the articulate ear's work in harmony. The lungs provide the pump. They send airflow as well as control air pressure to the vocal folds, which then vibrate, creating audible pulses that form the laryngeal sound source, pitch and sound are fine tuned by the muscles of the larynx, which adjusts in both length and tension.