Award Winning Nominations

Profile photo for Lou Lambert
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


This is an edited compellation with some of my most recent work beginning from late 2020 through to the present from 35 thru 65 age range.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let me tell you a story. A story that doesn't have a beginning or an end. Here's to the many that never accept second best higher performance composites enable weight, strength and stiffness improvements leading to globe shifting outcomes. It makes you wonder when else could a slight difference have changed history, creativity starts when a mystery knocks. We carry our clocks and ponder this paradox. Go outside, We go within against the time we begin again. What would happen if a kite weren't tethered to the ground? What if there was no one to hold it back against the wind? The kite would scuttle fall, Which would be a pity since 2002. Motley fool stock advisor has beaten the stock market by nearly five times, but how much of a difference does five times made? We have different jobs to do, but we all need a place to succeed. We like different things, but we all seek convenience. We live different lives, but we all need a place to call home. Occasionally. Pershing yachts are seen together, gathering for a fleet reunion to glide on the sea, daring each other fully enjoying the collective race. This is the one of a kind phenomenon known as the Persian Rush. A new era of storytelling is upon us. One that defies the constraints of the path breaks the rules, pushes the work to new heights. The future is here. Sure. That's going to come out with just open water. You could scrub it out with bleach and here's a tip for your trouble. His name is Emmanuel D. Ascanio and he is a drawing artist. Numerous interviews and articles in prestigious magazine. Speak in favor of that as well as an army of followers on social networks Who recognized the quality of his work. 2020 was a difficult and challenging year. It changed our lives in so many ways. 2021 is a new beginning.