2020 Commercial demo

Radio Ad


A wide range of styles from friendly and informative to gruff and assertive.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
great smiles don't just happen on their own. They're the result of proper care, Like with arm and hammer complete care. It'll make your smile the best it could be. Why wait until the weekend, when you could get a large two topping pizza for only 12 bucks? On Tuesday, we make it. You bake it. Papa Murphy's PDS are boring. At least they used to be boring because now you can edit them, designed them and share them like never before. It's all thanks to Acrobat from Adobe. You don't use a travel agent anymore because the Internet. So why buy or sell your home with traditional real estate? Agent Redfin is the modern approach to real estate, with more technology and way lower fees. Nobody wants one reasons. That's like buying one sock. So we decided to pack even more reasons into your reasons. It's the reasons Big cup with reasons inside. If you like being average, this isn't for you. Betterment does things differently. Delivering above average returns with more transparency and control betterment, a better way to invest