Epigenetics explainer (Science, Knowledgeable, Conversational)

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Genetics / Epigenetics explainer for a non-profit.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
PTSD cancer addiction. Did you know sometimes these diseases and disorders could be caused by actual disorder in your DNA? But we aren't just talking about errors in the genetic code. Sometimes it's epigenetic, which is the way your cells use those genes. It's a lot like the way you use different clothes in your closet. You might not ever wear those shirts that air folded and tucked away, or the clothes that still have tags on them. When you keep your clothes organized in a particular way, you can use what you need when you need it. Researchers at Penn Medicine and around the world are working to understand and control epigenetic. We're learning more about the ways that all of ourselves fold tag and store different parts of their DNA to effect when, how and how often they get used. No