Steve Van Beckum - Healthcare

Television Ad


Local hometown, or a strong regional giant. Steve is the voice

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you just don't realize how long we're here to see every minute to celebrate and be on. The diabetes affects millions of us. And for many it can be a struggle to control your blood sugar. And imagine dining with friends every day, playing cards or a game with your neighbors, joining a group activity or enjoying an outing to a local destination. Lab testing will evolve so much that it changes the way patients think about lab testing. You have a personalized member portal that makes it easy to use and manage your over the counter or otc benefit. When you're schizophrenia patients are not adherent symptoms, re emerge, stability starts to slip and another relapse is not far behind. How do you deliver a seamless, high quality patient experience when faced with increasing patient volumes and the need to house maintain and protect a vast growing wealth of diagnostic images and data from disparate sources. If you've been putting off getting a covid 19 vaccine, it's time to trust doctors. Not donating blood is a simple process with a huge impact. Just one hour of your time can save a life for decades. We have been committed to offering compassionate care for terminally ill individuals and their families. There are millions of dreamers in the universe of healthcare who yearn to reshape the industry. But for every Beatles and Fleetwood Mac, there's countless others that come and go