Steven Landes character demo reel



My character demo reel - written, produced, and mastered by Jay Sharp (@JSharp_VO on Twitter).

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hang on there, Good old fellow! It seems the local men would like to engage in a brawl here in this deer brothel. Do I understand why? No, but will I stand down? Absolutely not. Oh, you think you can even equate to my strength? I'm the greatest warrior in the known cosmos. And you're just some local farm boy. This will be easy. Listen closely to me, dear traveler, you are something amazing. And I could tell from the moment I saw you now I can't go out there as my time has nearly passed me. But I truly believe in you. Now, pardon me while I go get some bourbon crap. Where's the bourbon gone? How could you even think for a second that I would join you? I'm no traitor, not to my team or anyone. And I don't plan on switching anytime soon so you can keep on beating me. **** even kill me. But you're not getting nothing out of me. You scumbags to all you so called pilots. You'd better listen closely when you get out on that field, you're no longer a boy. You're a man now and no man will ever falter, under my watch, look to your side and to the people next to you. They're counting on you to not mess up. So keep your comms warm and your head straight sir. Yes sir