Online Journal - current affairs, serious, persuasive, passionate read



Torpedo Journal

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
After a year that exposed many of our vulnerabilities, we are in a historic moment of hope. The Covid 19 pandemic delivered the greatest shock to society, dividing our lives into a distinct before and after. Countries around the world have been locked down time and again, and people have been forced to adjust to new ways of working, studying, socialising and living. More than 2.6 million people have died worldwide to date, and we have experienced dramatic increases in unemployment, inequality and poverty. The pandemic underscored the fact that we are not making nearly enough progress in relation to climate action, diversity or gender equality. We are, however, approaching a very important inflexion point of change. This past year has marked an era of accelerated learning, but above all it showed humanity's incredible resilience. Torpedo Journal is a part of a broader publishing imprint that serves to connect, inspire and educate visionaries looking to positively disrupt the status quo and impact the world in new and novel ways. Our ethos embraces the idea that everyone is part of a greater whole, a community that grows stronger together. Human biography is a storytelling medium showcasing exceptional athletes, leaders renowned scholars, entrepreneurs and humanitarians, people who are aligned with their true purpose and who strive for community betterment. The world has been given a rare chance to reconsider, rethink and reform. It has renewed the demand for honest fact based analysis in a world beset by anxiety and uncertainty. Together, the primary mission of torpedo journal and human biography is to highlight the voices of everyday people who are accomplishing the invisible yet crucial work that forms the backbone of cultural change. Through these stories, we are calling the world to action. Are you ready?