Fiction demo with characterisation



RP Classy narration with characterisation and acting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
he shook his head, amazed at her control. He knew her well enough to know that she was worked up inside. The blue of her eyes had darkened so much as to become almost black. Yet here she wass, adopting, oppose a philosophical posed to the whole affair. And so he answered quickly. No, I don't expect you to congratulate me, but I thank you for your understanding. So far. Then I am not to be thrown to the dogs. A rainy Rini. What an expression. That's how I feel at the moment she bowed, her head thrown off, discarded. It's it's hard to take because I was always there when you needed me. I I know that Rini. He walked to the coach and sat down beside her and taking her hand, he said, I shall be forever grateful for the past. You know that her head was still bent when she said, Then we can remain friends. Certainly Certainly she glanced at him sideways now, and there was a small, deprecating smile on her lips, as she said, But I'll not put in an appearance very often. You will understand that, of course, of course, my dear, he raised her hand to his lips. The while his mind shouted at him. Thank God. Thank God for this. You won't expect me to meet her, will you? And let it is unavoidable. Of course not, really. Of course not.