Fertility clinic video - emotional, heightened, genuine

Video Narration


Gyn Fiv Fertility clinic Bratislava

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is our Emma. She is our little miracle. Her way into this world was not easy. After three years of struggling to get pregnant, we decided to visit a fertility clinic. Gin five, with great Hope gained five is located in the capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava, which is just a few kilometres away from Vienna. The first appointment was followed by a round of consultations, examinations and treatments. Even though this process was time consuming mentally and physically demanding, I was grateful for every smile and words of encouragement which were much needed. Then the day of egg retrieval and fertilisation arrived in the operating room through a small window. I caught a glimpse of the Embrey, a logical laboratory. I could see the special equipment incubators and focused people caring for our embryos. At that moment, I knew that I was in good hands. I couldn't wait to be carrying a new life inside of me. After our first disappointment, my husband and I didn't give up and continued with the treatment. The life of our Emma began with the third transferred embryo. We felt even greater joy when we finally saw her at the ultrasound scan our great, long awaited miracle. Today we are glad to belong to the big and happy guy in fear Family.