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BBC, Posh, British, Cockney

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
supermarket worker Tom Stephens was arrested by the police at his home in Tripoli, ST Martin, near Felixstowe, speaking in an interview with the BBC News last week. For background, there's reason that Hilton honours is a leading guest loyalty programme in the industry. There's a reason that two million new members signed up last year alone, and that more and more guests joining Hilton honours every day. The next item up for bid is an 18th century teapot. Looks like it came from the yard. Saelens connected the fine lines around the spout with their painted by world renowned Impressionist Henri Van Bergen or a three year old child with pig or yeah, yeah, you say they got that famous dominated over their Pacific Science Centre war harmony. Losi are thinking name is no or did not see that? I say she proves we don't come from a you know that's in eternity. No more sun that shines