Narration samples

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This demo showcases a few of the different emotions and styles I record in

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
notice the way the setting sun reflects on the red sandstone, the way the winding streams give life to the desert, the way the mountains seemed to go on forever. This is the donor. It's more than just a vacation destination. For artists and thinkers, Sedona is a retreat for the soul. Baking a cake is all about precision. In order to achieve the right flavor and texture, you need to use the right amount of every ingredient and at the right temperature. Technique matters to like If your recipe calls for separated eggs, do that before bringing them to room temperature. Egg separate easier when they're cold, which can make a big difference. American intelligence officers knew that the Japanese army general, Roshi Oshima, had direct contact with Nazi leaders. He would then use code sequence to transmit detailed reports to his military commanders. The Americans were determined to break Oshima's code, so they put a unit of codebreakers on the job, and in 1944 it paid off. When most of us think of homeless people, we picture a single man wearing dirty clothes in a scruffy beard. There are plenty of homeless people who meet that description, but there are plenty of families as well. In fact, a staggering 2.5 million Children are now homeless each year in America, that's one out of every 30 kids, and that number is rising.