

A poem/ story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as your friend. All I ever ask is that you share just one more campfire on a cup of coffee with me and tell me one more time. Now that 10 point buck snuck up behind you. Why didn't camp with your rifle safely out of reach in the tent? And how the biggest bass you ever seen ended up on your life's book and how you hope your daughter will remember when she's grown and has the husband of the road. Would being a sportsman, really all about on what your granddad would have said when your son shot his first deer with that newfangled thing called a compound bow? And when the wind stirs the treetops, you look into the star covered night until me again, out badly. You need to get back to the office and how you always feel that shimmering golden calls dissolving into the wilderness around you as inspiration beyond words and in the velvet silence read each other's mind. One. Come and share just one more campfire and a cup of coffee with me and film one more time. George, a