English with Hispanic Accent

Video Narration


Variety of narration and commercials with a fluent English read and some Hispanic accent

Vocal Characteristics




Spanish (Latino) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Rodolfo Fernandez. English with Hispanic accent demo for in education visit Supercuts, the stylist at Supercuts. Pay attention to every detail, always suffering you the haircut you want. Right now someone is trying to save your life there, sitting at a microscope, standing at an operating table or teaching in a classroom, uncovering answers for you. Go faster, go sillier. Go Balder. Grab an ice cold Coca Cola and you can go longer. You can't have a cooler time. Ah, photo is just a photo, but a tree. 60 photo. It's a whole new experience. Meet Joshua in Sofia. They are two Children living in a place impacted by conflict and disaster. Our job is to ensure that Children like them, are safe via explore is a learning lab where we can learn all about using public transportation together. Water. It is the single most important element in life. People need water as much as they need oxygen. He chose 1/4 month loan. They picked a five month loan. This family needed the six month loan. You see here we not only lend you the most money for your items, we give you options in a battle of style class taste and precision. Who will immerse the victor off? Financial success is being able to enjoy and purchase the things I both need and want without worrying if I made the right choice in making that purchase.