Children's Audiobook - character voices


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
an extract from Dr Dog by BET Cole. This is the Gun Boyle family, and this is their dog. He is a doctor. Doctor. Dog went to a conference in Brazil to give a talk about bone marrow while he was away. Granted and the gum boil Children got ill. We'd better get him back, said Morgan Boyle. So they sent a telly message to Brazil on Doctor Dog Came Home. Kurt Gum Boil had been secretly smoking in the bicycle shed. He had a wicked calf. It's not good to smoke, said Dr Dog. The's spongy things inside our chest are cold lungs. They are our breathing machines. Smoking fills them up with dirty tar. Then they don't work properly. And so we cough. Gertie gone. Boyle had not been wearing her raincoat and hat. She caught a cold and got a sore throat. The germs attacked her tonsils. She's got tonsilitis, said Dr Dog. I will have to operate. So he took them out, Kev, gone. Boyle was scratching his head like mad. He's got nits, said Dr Dog. These are X, led by little insects called lice. This is one they live in your hair, he plastered Kev's hair with smelly shampoo to kill the lice, and Kev had to wear it all day at school, never swap Combs and brushes with anyone, said Dr Dog Baby Come. Boyle did not wash his hands after going to the toilet. Then he sucked his thumb and he let other Children stick their fingers up his nose. So he got a tummy ache. He's got worms, said Dr Dog. They are breeding in his tubes. The worms wriggle inside you until they reach your bottom. There they lay itchy little legs. If you scratch your bum, the eggs go under your fingernails. Sucking your thumb makes the eggs go back into your tummy, where they action to more worms again. Never scratch your bum and suck your thumb, said Dr Dog.