Pexip Corp(English, Corporate)

Video Narration


An audition describing a video conferencing platform.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Video communication is used by millions of people each and every day. And pecks. It has been providing high quality, secure video conferencing to organizations across the globe since 2012. We believe that you shouldn't have to change the way you work to adapt to technology. Technology should work the way you do a video platform should seamlessly fit into your organization's existing workflows and tools to work where and how you do the pecks It platform offers a unique combination of unrivaled flexibility and control to meet all your video conferencing needs and use cases. Our customers around the world are making picks up their own by providing remote patients with specialist care, helping couples get their first mortgage approval via video banking, enabling courts to conduct virtual hearings, helping families plan a new kitchen from the comfort of their home securely power some of the world's most important political conversations and negotiations. The challenges caused by mixed enterprise technology and demands for agility can make video complex, but we make it simple for you. We look forward to helping your organization work better together today and in the years to come