Michelle Blenker - Automotive

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This demo features a variety of upbeat natural and excited of local Automotive spots from

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
experience it in the believe me design Pathfinder from Highway Nissan turn up the adventure, starting at only 31 95 or least for only 3 19 months for 36 months. I don't mean to pry, but what do you monthly car payments and your car is currently worth? How much out? What if I said you could drive a brand new Kia Optima for half of what you're paying Now there's a moment of pure satisfaction in knowing you're driving the best. Your invitation is waiting during the Mercedes Benz drive. The best event. Bad credit. It doesn't matter. At Jacksonville Nissan. We know bad things can happen to good people. That's why we offered the Jacksonville knees on fresh start program. You only live once wrong. You only die once. Buckle up, It's your life. Not so gentle reminder From your California Highway Patrol. All roads lead to Premiere Chevrolet during our 24 hour pre owned blow to 60% of M S R. P on equal 69 89 Malibu 13 9 89 My favorite movie of all time is Billy Jack, and my favorite line is Do It further kids, Billy That's why we just bought a new Honda violent visit your area. Mercedes Benz sailor for details. Some restrictions apply. Not all fires will qualify.