Audiobook 1 Reel - Children



Mix of material from audiobook and podcasts, for adults and children, 2011-12

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
outside my instructor waits for me to arrive for my lesson It's a tug of war with me in the middle And I want neither side to win I'm the poem they all move around And every morning they pushed me outside to be taken down by Sifu Chen The morning air stings But it's summer in Nova Scotia. This is nothing about what I remember Winter will bring. If I could keep you little at home, you ll alibis But then I'd miss you singing your concerts Big surprise if I could keep you little I told your hand everywhere but then I'd miss you knowing I can go You stay there my say Elna remarked, Lion, that's a bit of a racket. Your chaps, I'm making I'm sorry I said Alma, but the preparations there's much fun is the parade itself. The elephants stared in amazement as the animals arrived, not only where the animals decorated but the or war elephant masks Here, if you see it's still an elephant parade Lion loved Let's begin called Alma from the front of the parade. From now on, everyone conjoining the Elmer's diaper ride as long as they were in Elephant mask on. Everyone said Alma means everyone