Sins of Daughter
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
Italian (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the room was dark. Onley by the tip of the cigarette was visible into the darkness, shining like a small star in a nice sky filled with clouds. It dragged from the cigarette creators more faint, a light into the room, followed by thick cloud of smoke, like the chimney of a factory producing goods at a slower rate. Jessica plucked the cigarettes ashes into the ashtray and took another drag prison arise shot, as if the light from the tip blinded her. She was lost in her thoughts, trying to solve everything at once. She saw him looking at her. His eyes is warm. Smile. Francesca's form wouldn't leave. It was as if he never died. He never left. It was as if he was always there for her side, supporting in every decision. Yeah, straight already 17 cigarettes and Jessica put out another, moving in a circular motion in Saudi astray, as though she was searching for something underneath the ashes. She turned on the desk lamp, shutting the fame light inside the office, revealing the thick veil, a smoke floating into the air. Her father's old office was now covered in fumes. He would have scolded her for smoking dear, but it was no longer around. The Mesler desk was surprised anyone but not Jessica. She has so many things in her head and had to do with all the once.