Vocal Characteristics
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
bumping and grinding on the ride home. Listen what you just said. Not like that. You know what we mean to five o'clock flavor mix. You know, be empty. Calendar, a full tank of gas and a sense of adventure. Take a long, refreshing light Wrong from yesterday and today. Sunny 95 Chief Export with ACE and T J Show is pleasure. Now Ace and D. J Kiss Country is your station for today's hit country. Thanks for listening to your kiss Country 93 7 From Mood rings Bellybutton things It's that fit your style. 10 years Continuous music 105.9 El ese. It's like an iPod full of your favorite songs on Shuffle. No repeat workday on star 99.1. Move in 100.7. Make sure you call your friend and tell them to get MoveOn. Tell them it makes you feel good. The new move in 100.7