Videogame - Next Stop Nowhere (Sarcastic , No-nonsense , Commanding , Dry , Witty , Deadpan , Smart-ass)



Serra - the main character - from Next Stop Nowhere. A bounty hunter who takes no prisoners. Badass , tough , Linda Hamilton / Sarah Connor -esque

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
found you what you're doing, sailor. Organizing our little moon detour made a proper mess in here. Well, Mr Package, Tidier folks are itching to de board and get on with their getting arms. Can't say I mind. I swear I can smell wrenches. Mustache. Okay, I'll be right up before that. I don't know what you're expecting to go back, Thio, but you're wanted now. Wrench was checking the bounty job board. And you, sir, are numero one year Woods, the screamers. You're not a courier anymore. Your target. Congrats. I'm sure your parents would be very proud. Cool. I know it sounds cool, and it is cool, but it's not, you know, sustainable for a while, maybe, but never forever. So what do you suggest Eddie and Knicks are going to there Peach pit or whatever the **** it's called? I'm certain I would hate it. Just farmers and people legitimately wondering how your day is going And, uh, sewing, I guess. Kill may. But, um, I'm going with him. I'm going to a place I will hate to live a life. I will probably also hate, but it's not like I'm in the honeymoon phase with the one I'm currently living. So yeah, they're going, I'm going. And I was wondering if you wanna be going to. That's for if you want to come with us, that's That's how I should have asked it. Absolutely. I'm in. Great. I'll tell them then. Hey, mailman, you're free of organization celebrated.