Game Tutorial
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hi and welcome to battles won a one part of the one, the one Siris for Creature Quest. This video will cover everything you need to know about the combating Creature quest. Whether you are starting a battle on a quest in the battle tower or in the Dungeon Challenge, you will first need to choose which team of creatures to bring into battle with you. Swipe left and right between your teams. More information on adjusting teams and creatures will be covered in the creature's Wanna one video Enough small talk. Let's start the battle before we actually begin the combat. Let me point out a few things on this screen up top. You can see how many waves of enemies you will need to defeat in this battle. You can also see how much loot you capture As battle progresses. We'll check back here later. The middle is where your enemies are. This wave happens to have five enemies that will need to defeat. Below them is your team. The green bars represent the health for each creature. The first row below your team's portrait's are your basic attacks. The row on the very bottom is for your special ability. However, you will need to power that up before we can use it. In the meantime, let's get ready to take our first turn. You can attack once with each of your creatures before using them again. You will notice that enemy creatures attack back, and some of our creatures now have reduced health hold down or creatures basic attack. For more info. There are many types of basic attacks. You'll also notice that the enemies have numbers next to their health bars. This is the countdown until the attack. Let's go ahead and target a specific enemy now by simply pressing on that enemy. Now all of your creatures will attack that enemy until it is defeated. A little trick you can actually swipe across the screen to battle even faster. I want to quickly point out the multicolored combo dot cc above your team. This will be covered in depth in the combo dots. Wanna one video in addition to what it means when you see a times two times four or other multiplier during battle? The important thing to note for now is that they will help you build up manna in order to power up your special ability represented by the blue line below each special ability defeating enemy creatures is also another great way to power up your mana. Now that you have special abilities to use, you can simply press them to unleash the powerful abilities. You can also see how enemies sometimes have text next to them. That means that they're about to use their special ability against you when they're countdown timer hits. Zero might be a good idea to target them right away. Some creatures have special abilities that we refer to as buffs. This might include giving your team a temporary power. Luck for other boost. You can see these stack on the sides of the combat screen. Yours will be on the left and your enemies on the right. Don't worry. There are also some creatures that can dispel these bus if you choose to put them on your team. Personally, I like to make sure to have a creature with a healing special ability. In addition to some with multi enemy attacks and others with very powerful, focused attacks, each creature in the game has a unique special ability, and the more creatures you collect the more options, you have to build the ultimate team. You might also see some special abilities that have temporary effects on creatures. For example, a poison effect will cause the creature to take damage each time it attacks for a predetermined amount of turns. Now you'll notice that we've already captured some loot, including gold, gems and even a creature box. You'll get these rewards if you are victorious in the battle. The last thing to cover is how different color creatures are stronger or weaker against other colors. You can refer to this color counter flow chart. Blue beats, red beets, green beats, yellow beets, blue. In addition, black beats white and vice versa. If you have trouble beating a certain battle, try using a different team with friendlier color counters. Okay, now that you've won the battle, you can claim all of the rewards we hope you've enjoyed. The battle's won a one video. Please watch the rest of the videos in the 101 Siri's and Quest on
Announcer, Everyman, Narrator, Millennial, Demonstrator, Aloof, Believable, Casual, Conversational, Easygoing, Fast Paced, Genuine, Informative, Understated, Approachable, North American (General), North American (US General American - GenAM), North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)