Warm, Heartfelt, Conversational Demo

Profile photo for Kayla Roy
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Warm, Young mother, Conversational, Heartfelt, Genuine

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Now, I want you to pay attention and listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you. You are beautiful just as you are. Please learn this saying and keep it in your back pocket. For whenever you're feeling a little down about yourself, why waste a second not loving who you are? Those little imperfections make you beautiful, lovable and valuable. They show your personality inside your heart, reflecting who you are. At Microsoft, we talk about the magic of software magic at its core. It's about story telling. Stories are a shared experience with the power to trigger the imagination in sight debate and find answers. It is our job to tell. Great stories are stories are building bridges between engineers, institutions and people, creating partnerships that drive innovation and discovery. Dear husband tripped over your boots today. They were in the middle of our bedroom floor. I didn't expect my toe to meet a sturdy combat boot first thing in the morning. First I was annoyed. Then I quietly moved your boots aside, knowing that they would rest there for the next six months, E went to the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher. I thought of you when I put away the number one son mug from your parents and the and the I love my dad mug from our kids. Unless I drink from them, they will sit in the Cabinet for the next six months. When I applied my makeup in front of our shared his and her sinks, I looked over at your side. I noticed an uncapped can of shaving cream, a razor and a comb. I realized that if I were to wipe down our bathroom counter, your side would stay clean for the next six months. When I pulled my keys off the hook, yours were still hanging there, even though you weren't home. Your keys will continue to hang on that hook for the next six months. This'll afternoon, I threw the last of your laundry in the wash. There wasn't much in your hamper, so I mixed it in with the kids clothes while folding. I realized I wouldn't touch your shirts again for the next six months. While straightening up for company, I saw the gift cards you'd empty from your wallet before leaving, knowing you couldn't use them in the sandbox. I saw your A C UE shirt hanging on the back of your chair at the dining table. Instead of being bothered by the mess, I organized your wallet contents and hung your shirt in the closet. It will remain there unworn for the next six months. When I went to bed sprawled out, you weren't there to wish me good night. Her son couldn't sleep and ended up snuggling with me, got in close and commented, Daddy side is cold and so it shall be for the next six months. It's funny how the little things that I took for granted became quite sentimental way. Send our love and support way, miss you.