Commercial Demo
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Young Adult (18-35)Accents
North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from where you're sitting The world never looked so good every Sunday for the next three weeks Saved big at Wal Mart Way All love to share share a pic sharing update. Share the love I do different I do me, I do bolt and I do it all with Pandora jewelry. Dear Pesky blackheads. You discussed the war. I've scrubbed and scrubbed, but you won't budge. It's me. You're incredibly fast toddler. Sure, I have stubbly little legs, but by the time you say, Hey, where's my incredibly fast toddler? I've not only found your lipstick hang re decorating with it. Wanna know a secret? One healthy snack that's bursting with real fruit peel. Open new, healthy harvest applesauce. It's made with sweet apples and other right fruits blended together for a taste that's naturally prefer fresh ing. Your first mistake giving the lobsters name's Lenny and Larry your second mistake, trying to cook something you didn't know how to. Sorry Lenny and Larry. Next time, get Red Lobster brand frozen tails from Costco. What will your Disney memory B B squeals and giggles or screams and shouts. Whatever your heart desires, come be a part of the magic of