Documentary - The Works of Wharton Esherick & George Nakashima



I had the pleasure of being selected to narrate this wonderful Documentary about the inspiration & creativity of artists Wharton Esherick & George Nakashima for Modernism Museum Mount Dora in Florida. A fantastic project and a wonderful crew.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to Modernism Museum, Mount Dora. Presented by Main Street Leasing, You're about to embark on a unique experience dedicated to showcasing the inspiration and design creativity of two of America's finest studio art practitioners, Wharton, Esherick and George Nakashima in Estrich to Nakashima, George Nakashima was devoted to would. More specifically, he was devoted to trees, as was Wharton Esherick, who was known to say The Wood tells me what to Dio. In many ways, Warton started it all. When America was turning to mass production, he set out to melt traditional woodworking practices with modern sensibilities. Not long after Warden started the studio crafts movement, others began to take the same path. George Nakashima was such an artist in 1942 shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Like many Americans of Japanese ancestry, George's family was forced into Minidoka, an internment camp in Idaho. And although this time was unpleasant, it is where his art took on. A more defined direction not only were nah Kashima's creations, influenced by Japanese modernist and even Shaker styles, his greatest inspiration came from the trees themselves. Both Esherick and Nakashima had different customer bases, yet each made their own impact on how their pieces were memorialized in history. Nah, Kashima's commission for the International Paper Company opened the door to the big commercial concept pieces. In 1973 George received his largest single commission to create over 200 pieces for Governor Rockefeller's Home Green Rock. Some of these iconic pieces are in the museum and were part of the Fiori collection. Nakashima was again commissioned for his artistic eye and craftsman style to produce pieces for the Toby Royston house. Ash Rick Tanaka Shima is a collection unlike any other in the world. Nothing speaks more strongly to their similarities and differences than toe look at their work. We move now from the design differences that set Esherick and Nakashima part to the craftsmanship that is uniquely Nakashima as you've seen and heard through the stories of inspiration, customer interaction and the collectors. There are many differences between the art of Wharton, Esherick and George Nakashima. We hope you will take the time to immerse yourself in the experience of every piece and thoroughly enjoy all the museum has to offer. But if that time commitment is not in your schedule today, we invite you to become a three M D member and take advantage of all its perks, including free unlimited general admission, discounts for classes, special events, concerts and on merchandise and our fabulous Modernism Museum shop. The Modernism Museum Shop is conveniently located across the street and has a unique collection of timeless accessories and gifts of functional art and design. Modernism. Museum Mount Doors Presenter Main Street Leasing is the premier property management company in Mount Dora there, consistently making strides in supporting and growing the community and local business owners. When in town, please make time to visit these fine establishments that have chosen Main Street leasing properties to showcase their products and services. Now we invite you to explore our collection featuring these great icons of the 20th century in Esherick to Nakashima.