Commercial demo

Radio Ad


Compilation of audio commercials and production for broadcast.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everybody out there is always saying how they can't find a job. Why black? Black? It's not a dream. It's paradise. It's Jamaica. Mom and Air Jamaica is waiting to whisk you away. Ah, promise was made a promise that hit the beaches of Normandy. A covenant that split the sky over Berlin. Chicken noodle soup just grew up introducing new chicken and pasta with roasted garlic. Or maybe you didn't even know you had a long term disability Insurance policy. If your mom were loved, one lives alone. One called the life watch can endure worries for their safety. Citibank turns 200 this year. So why should that be of any interest to you? Well, in that time, there have been some pretty good days and some not so pretty good days.