What to build next? the entrepreneur dilemma.

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Video Narration


For an entrepreneur, there is always one nagging question that has to be answered every single day: What should we build next?

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, my name is you need a QB and this is my demo for the voice over why I wrote hooked For an entrepreneur, there is always one nagging question that has to be answered every single day. What should we build next? As the ceo of two tech companies. This question awaited me as soon as I opened my laptop in the morning and was still in my mind when I turned out the lights before bed each night. What to build next is such an important question because the answer determines whom you hire, how much you spend and most importantly, whatever your company would succeed or fail. The building phase is where your blood, sweat and tears, not mentioning money all go. But how do we decide what to build? What determined which project you should invest in improving versus which one you should ignore. For most of the history of product development, employees build whatever the boss wanted them to build. The. Leaders of the company sent down orders from the high end teams got to work turning that vision into reality. Sometimes the executive were right and the innovation should be successful, but most often those at the top were wrong. Product teams would spend months if not years typically isolated from customers building a product that no one ultimately wanted. The lack of user input input led to continuous less product failure. More recently, a new philosophy of innovation has changed the way many companies do. Business entrepreneur turned authors such as save blank and air Crace have promoted building products through continuous improvements by constantly testing and validating idea with customers by listening to the customer feedback, they argue, company can decrease the odds of building something no one really wants. I'm a subscriber and advocate of blank race process of customer development. However, I found something missing when I implemented their methodology, the answer to that nagging question, what should we build next?