Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Joe Sobalo Jr
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Life's one big party and we got enjoy it. That's why I get pizza from the hut, all the toppings you could ever want. Deep dish or thin crust. Pizza Hut. No one out Pizzas the hut. Power torque. Rugged. The all new Jeep Wrangler. Do anything. Every time you buy a box of panna puffs, we donate a portion of the proceeds towards helping endangered species. Panda pots Together, we're saving pandas one breakfast at a time. I love to run. It's part of my sole day in and day out, mile after mile. That's why I choose on running shoes, light weight. And I feel like I'm running on a cloud. I know you've been working really hot and you tie it. Just seem to pick me up to get you through the day. I got a wicked good idea. Get a fresh cup of coffee and dunks. If America runs on it, you can, too. Dunkin Donuts