Animation Demo

Profile photo for Joe Sobalo Jr
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're here to protect the people of this city. That's our duty. Who do you think? Some kind of hero. Welcome to the hot dog hut Where the dogs or hot What can and get you, sir? Yeah, I'll take a hot talk with everything on it. Mustard, mayo, ketchup. But just hold a hot dog. I don't need me. And now I'm a little bit opening you, but I can still put on the boogie Woogie dance knows. Oh, by my calculations will be there in 1.25397657 minutes. It's like super, for crying out loud. My mom's trying it sleeping here where you shut your mouth. All right, everybody gal around the campfire now! Oh, my darling. Oh, my darling Time. Excuse me. Get me and my boys into the ground. You guys just go. We'll be right here. Scary guys don't deliver here in jail, Bob. Jumping off a moving train. That boy was nuttier than squirrel term