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Jess is energetic, fresh, youthful, hip, sultry, and snazzy in this radio imaging demo.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
one alternative. Nine inch Nails and more rock one A one B 95 has fully loaded red convertible Mustang Pony details coming soon from today's hottest music. Be 95. All the hits 93 7 Kiss My My 98 7 My Music variety. Okay, your music variety. My 98 7 That the nineties at noon. Unraveling a. One thing this could be You got a birthday you could win a grand with Kiss FM's free Money Birthday games. Weekday mornings on 93 7 kids at them. 15 minutes of quality entertainment packed into a three hour show. Humor in the morning in mixed winner. 359 98 7 Everywhere you want music variety in the car keeps my mind off track that we're full of energy that keeps you going all day at home. We're sitting around the dining room table at a family party. My 98 7