Television Ad


Gen-X, girl-next-door, fresh, fun, youthful, animated and engaging, hip, MTV

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's MTV Spring Break on. The King has arrived. He's ready to party. He's ready to drink a $1 K value menu. Beverage on this year pays bringing a whole lot more value to the beach. Like the Burger King $1 talent show where MTV spring breakers are showing their talents. Do you have $1 worth of talent? Burn it from the TK value menu. Upload your video at $1 talent show dot com. The girls and sorority row are done gorgeous. They stick together, celebrate trust, respect and solidarity. It's a sisterhood, but even the hottest girls play the deadliest prank responsible. Some secrets need to be buried. It's the sorority that girls are dying to join. If you think the sorority sisters Rob, go to MTV dot co dot UK slash sorority row to be into the chance to win a trip to Boston Sorority Sisters in cinemas Wednesday, September 9th Tomorrow night on sucker free Monday catch up with the punk crew as they snare their latest celebrity. Don't Miss Park Tomorrow, noted 10 followed by home records at 10 30