Corporate/Narration 2017

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if you could get knowledgeable advice that brings your idea to life? Well, now you can meet flare ideas begin in our head on become passion in our hearts. If you still don't understand why denying climate change is a problem, just imagine you're living with your family in the house. How is this possible? Let's find out and every day way. Create new products that bring this vision to life products that make your home and your life smarter, safer and more beautiful. Introducing Izzy's Spark Your own Friends giving adventure a social media hack Maids choose your own adventure experience that gave Millennials and Izzy the chance to co create friends giving together to make it happen. We have to instagram and engaged users with a series of questions about their own style and tastes. These are germs on If there's one thing you know about germs, it's that they live to spread know their favorite method. Hands because hands get them pencils and door knobs and books and dolls and spoons and beanbag chairs where they can find other hands. It's opening week for the Charleston River Dogs. Today we're throwing out the first pitch or should we say First Orange and some random acts of freshness for the crowd Love your at the ballpark school were or your own backyard. Fresh produce is always in season and affordable at Food Lion.