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Combination demo - calm, approachable, warm, modern

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's not always about doing. Sometimes. It's just about being L. L. Bean just be irresistibly smooth, undeniably decadent linder made to melt you. This is life. It's filled with beauty and wonder and hope. But it also has its bumps and bruises and breaks. It may bring new expectations and the unexpected. You might be slow down, let down or even knocked down. There is a time before and after. There is a time before. You know how snow feels, how the city sounds in the early morning, there is a time before you know how a wave looks from below and then you jump. You dare you try. It's not just what they learn, it's what they remember that matters most. In most schools, kids can lose up to 50% of what they're taught in just a few days. But with spiral learning from a becca, kids retain more and learn lessons that will last a lifetime. Learn how at a becca.com.