

Barbie Mattel Creatures Witches Puppies Cartoons Animation Monsters Accents

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) Eastern European (General) North American (General) North American (South West - Texas)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now spin me all the way to the right. Can you find Italy? It looks like a big boot. Great job. You found it. Chow is how you say hello in Italian. Now let's go to the continent of Africa. Ladies, don't be shy. Reach inside for some sweeties. I want heard you e Okay, Oscar. I've tightened all the nuts and bolts on the smile. Reiter, and it's as good as new. You guys ready for the next repair? Did you know that elephants love taking showers? That's right. We even make our own showers. First we suck water into our trunks. And once we have enough, we spray it all over ourselves. Oh, it feels so good. Welcome home, Angela. We missed you. Before you start playing, don't forget to be exit B. The fish, once you're done, market off on the smart home chore list. If you can't pick your friends, then by all means pick your nose. Come on, give it a try. Pick my nose for practice. Ho! Yeah, that's it. That feels so nice. A wish it turn on some music and do a boogie. Get it T minus 15 seconds and counting. Guidance is internal. 12 11 10 9 Ignition sequence started. 64 Main engine store 32 10