Sports Radio Imaging - Bold - Big - Confident - NHL - NBA

Profile photo for Jeff Rechner
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Branding voice for Sports Radio format

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
your station on the road for the Stanley Cup playoffs. I am 6 70 The score your home for N B A. All stocks. Davis's. Here's Anthony Davis driving in 97.5. The Fanatic N b a All Star Party is over. It's a wrap time clock. Back in, they had a little bit, but now that you're back to school, finish strong in the second half of the season, we could do it together. Make that push your home for basketball is 97.5. No fanatic. Your home for the big trades. Deal or no deal. When you play good and you get rewarded by your office, it's just hard. They're going on something. This is 97.1 ticket.