O Rugged Land of Gold - Audiobook, Southern read, gritty, honest, emotional



First page of O Rugged Land of Gold by Martha Martin

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I can hardly right, but I must for two reasons. First, I'm afraid I might never live to tell my story. And second, I must do something to keep my sanity. I must order my mind paint myself, think clearly. How can I better do this than by recording? All that has happened, and all that may happen until I am released One way or another. This strange writing comes from my left hand and I'm having trouble. It's difficult to write with that hand. My right arm is broken, both bones of the forearm broken about three inches above the wrist. My body is better than bruised. I can't sit down without something hurting me, and I can't lie down without all aches and pains. But the ache in my head is the worst of all, and I do wish my head would stop hurting my Bonnie's wretch it on anything I thought I could endure. But I have to endure it, and I will, and I will write to. I will do my best to write down everything. Just it happened yet I'm sure I won't get it exactly right because my mind is still so confused. Maybe writing about the things I'm sure of will help me to reason out the things I don't yet know.