Greater Age Vitamin Boost for Seniors Commercial

Profile photo for Charlene E. Green
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Mock commercial that I wrote and recorded to showcase my voice skills as an older woman.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you're my age, sometimes you just don't have the energy you used to with a husband and seven grandchildren counting on me to be there for them. I need a supplement to be there for me on an advanced level. That's why I have greater age. Vitamin boost for seniors on my side every day. It's a delicious drink that comes in three great flavors with just the right amount of everything I need to help me through the busy days. I don't mind being up in age but greater age. Vitamin boost for Seniors keeps me refreshed and active longer than any other supplement I've tried. My husband and grandchildren deserved to experience me at my best and with greater age, my senior life has never been, well, greater.