English storytelling
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Child (5-12)Accents
Indian (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the growth, I hope, did he pastry flew all over the feats looking for water for a large Stan he could not find any. He fell ready the almost most over hope status, meaning he so employed at the not tree he feuds trade terms to see if they were saying he could. Still so not inside the growing child push his for into the. Sadly, he found that the left of the chap was too narrow. Then she tried to push the for devoted to phone out the 1st 2 Surely hard for a while. You can. If he saw some troubles, she suddenly had a quick idea. He started at her presence one by one, dropping each infrastructure as more and more purpose. JAG want another capped rise feel through It was high in a growth fixing should span hand.
Child, Storyteller, Animated, Child-like, Cute, Informative, Indian (General)