Informative - eLearning Demo Reel
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Young Adult (18-35)Accents
North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This protocol is great for weight loss body composition and may also benefit the regulation of blood sugar, lipids and inflammation. Studies have shown the 5 to 2 protocol to be effective for weight loss, improved or lower inflammation markers in the blood and show signs of training Improvements in insulin resistance in animal studies This modified fasting 52 to diet resulted in decreased fat decreased hunger hormones, lepton and increased levels of protein responsible for improvements in fat burning and blood sugar regulation. Adam Connect in the modified 5 to 2 fasting protocol is easy to follow and has a small number of negative side effects, which includes hunger, low energy and some irritability when beginning the program. Contrary to this, however, studies have also noted improvements such as reduced tension, less anger, less fatigue improvements and self confidence, and a more positive mood