Diane Burket - Radio & TV Commercials

Radio Ad


A short compilation of Radio & Television Commercials I've voiced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in here. I got an expensive computer network out there, all my sales people. If they can't get the information in here, they're just pins in a map. So we got the Sprint PCS wireless Web for business. We use our phones to keep up with corporate email and schedules, even move inventory all in real time, plus clear calls and the only all digital all PCs nationwide network serving more than 300 major metropolitan areas and all major airports. Sensuous brunch. Velvety smooth, golden goodness of California avocados at lone wise dot com. We don't keep banker's hours, and you can get a loan decision online in less than five minutes that they're giving me the money they're given us the money. Www dot loan wise dot com Where business goes for online loans. Loan wise dot com After a brief hospitalization, Mr Move Santee bottled this water for the town. You can picks him up at the store Well, in Calistoga, I'm Amma Sins. I travel a lot of time on visiting the restaurants, and I'm not afraid to order what I blew. Want what I really want a lot is a steak. A little simple, little in rare. It's my reward. And besides, I love to see the weirdest flinch because they always think I'm the type to order. Some trendies are what I like about Johnson's absence. They don't leave. Fuzzy Wise is do the swabs to use the Plessy Ouaziz Johnson swabs. Don't they don't for your fall apart. So no fuzzy Wes is. It's estimated that the average American spends up to two years of his or her lifetime waiting in lines. Admittedly, we can't solve all of life, but at same way want to do our part. That's why we're introducing speed through check out.