Diane Burket - Narrations

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here are the single ended voltage wave forms for Anel VDs circuit. The signal levels we refer to as V A and V B are the true and inverted output signals of the driver. How many discoveries How many scientific breakthroughs began with these same simple words? What if What if you could place a motor on a wings glider? What if you could map the very building blocks of life theme? People at the Contra Costa water district were willing to talk to us about every aspect of our water supply way learned how the district works constantly to improve service and a whole text beer cost. Um, when a person with multiple personalities shifts from one to another, the body shifts to. In one well known case, a little boy named Timmy had nearly a dozen personalities. One of these people broke out into hives when Timmy drank orange juice. If Timmy's primary personality came back while the allergic reaction was present, the itching would stop and the water filled blisters would begin to subside. Part of selling the new HP fax missions is being able to run through a simple demo. The first step of a demo is to check the phone lines to make sure you're connected to the outside world. Crystal water, gentle son and a paradise with views that change each moment. These of the elements of Antilles 2000 the most elegant and exciting incentive program ever offered by Fireman's Fund Insurance.