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John Kubin, Voice Actor
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At Voices we provide tailored solutions to empower your unique business needs. Discover how organizations across various industries achieve remarkable success with our diverse services
Harness the power of the best voice actors in the world.
See the variety of AI voice solutions that Voices has to offer.
Source mass, diverse voice datasets for AI model training.
Leverage our team of experts for translation, post-production, and more.
Impress clients with diverse voice options and meet tight deadlines effortlessly.
Elevate content quality, captivate audiences worldwide.
Partner with top voice AI innovators and partner with leader in data applications.
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Girl Next Door, Playful, Attitude, Calm, Caring, Casual, Dynamic, Friendly, Genuine, Versatile, Approachable, Emotional, Spanish (Latino), Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Neutral - International)
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