Commercial Demo - Chris Lynch
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
RAV four comes standard with readiness for everything from a weekend long camping trip to a winner. Long Cross country ski trip. Not everyone trapped by alcohol is an alcoholic. Families and friends are suffering, too. Al Anon and Palatine can help be good to your manhood. Introducing new Jackie Sport cotton underwear designed for everyday athletes. Sudden outbursts of terms like Totally groovy and I dig that scene man has also been noted. We're committed to working together to achieve our mission of high quality and compassionate care. Swedish health for a better world. This is not a couch. This is an act of freedom. Tina's pizza rolls, remember, get both parks for the price of one front gate ticket is 1999. July Admission is 39 99. You stand for peace, Holiness in the holiday spirit, the new good citizen are ready to become ah, holiday hero. Don't worry if you can't imagine that a place like this could be really we've already imagined it for you. Celebrity Cruises