Bryan Carmody - Pickering Energy - Confident, Relatable, Authentic

Video Narration


I'm the voice for Pickering Energy Partners - they wanted a Confident Credible Energy to voice all their communications on their work in the Energy Sector.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
legend has it? That Henry Ford said that if he asked his customers what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. Well, he ignored them and we know the rest of the story. So even before the Benz patent car and Ford's model T every generation is imagined with the future of driving would look like, well the future is now, electric vehicles are taking over the roads, demand is rising, battery costs have gone down and charging infrastructure has grown. It's clear EVs are here to stay, but the surge in popularity isn't just because of E S G. They're being marketed as higher quality vehicles. Electric vehicles are new. They're exciting, but they're not going to take over the roads overnight. In fact, it's predicted that it will take roughly 20 years to turn over the entire combustion fleet in America. In reality, there are a number of unknown variables that could affect the timeline. Why? Well, for one and it takes time to adapt to a new energy source. Second, it'll take time for all the existing gas powered vehicles on the road to reach the end of their lifespans, especially as conventional gas powered cars and trucks have become more reliable and yes, even though Eve DSR exciting, they aren't the end all be all solution to meeting the paris accord goals. That solution is much much more complex. We have the expertise and insights to demystify and untangle the complex energy landscape today and tomorrow from the exciting new topics of TVs to the long term evolution of the traditional energy space and how it all fits together, we'll take you back to the future. We are insights at pickering energy. Partners were inside energy.