Elearning Explainer Narration - Pleasing - Calm - Warm - Reassuring



A friendly explainer series to help disabled people search, interview, keep and enjoy a job. VO is in English with an American accent and part of a long term project. Friendly, encouraging, warm, educational, kind, reassuring, believable, genuine, articulate, real person, calming, mentor, teacher.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ready to look for a job. Most job openings are available online and searching for available jobs is a great way to see where you fit. Start by going to job posting sites like indeed google for jobs, dora handshake or linkedin if you are interested in a specific company. Typically, their website will have jobs posted search by what is important to you location, salary skills. The more you refine your search, the fewer openings you'll find. Keep a list of interesting opportunities. Most job sites have the ability to save favorites, openings are constantly changing, so search every day and have a plan to act quickly once you find an opportunity that you like, it's okay to respond to more than one opportunity at a time. The search for a job can be fun but don't get too attached to any one opportunity. If you're flexible, you may be surprised by where you end up.