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Profile photo for Bridie Jurasevich
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life can be scary. Sometimes you go to the corner store for toilet paper and cat food only to find your card declined in your negative $18,000 due to check fraud. Sometimes that cute rocky bottom line is actually made from synthetic fibers. Scary stuff, but renter's insurance doesn't have to be with lemonade powered by AI and driven for the social good. Even when you're taking an antidepressant, you may still be struggling with depression. You may try to put on a brave face, but inside the symptoms linger. Rick salty when added to your antidepressant, has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression. Rick Salty is not for everyone. Call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior, worsening depression or thoughts of suicide. Don't give up on the progress you've made with your anti depressant. Talk to your doctor about adding Rick salty and feel better about facing the world. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what you should be eating, but the power of plants is the one thing we can all agree on. V eight. The original plant power drink veg up